The complete catalogue of all art and collectibles exhibited, or curated, by Method.
Jaali by Smita Sahu
Horse by Smita Sahu
No Wings by Smita Sahu
Untitled IV by Kashin Patel
Untitled III by Kashin Patel
Untitled II by Kashin Patel
Untitled I by Kashin Patel
Pies by Smita Sahu
Contaminate Flower Sample by Eeshani Mitra
Sea of Fog (III) by Eeshani Mitra
Sea of Fog (II) by Eeshani Mitra
Bite-Sized-Bar by Darshika Singh
We'll See The Sea Again 1 by Zahra Amiruddin
Salmon and Sand (Set of 8) by Vishakha Jindal
Nightfall by Vishakha Jindal
Untitled by Shweta Urane
Untitled 5 by Shweta Urane
Untitled 4 by Shweta Urane
Untitled 3 by Shweta Urane
Untitled 2 by Shweta Urane
Untitled 1 by Shweta Urane
Green Land by Sameer Dixit
Village by Sameer Dixit
Unknown Layers 1 by Sameer Dixit
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