The complete catalogue of all art and collectibles exhibited, or curated, by Method.
Generic Brands - McDonalds by Kunel Gaur
Generic Brands - Coca Cola by Kunel Gaur
Campbell's Soup by Kunel Gaur
Snickers by Kunel Gaur
Answer by Kunel Gaur
Kumi by Kunel Gaur
UN1VERSAL1SM by Kunel Gaur
Spiritual Technology by Kunel Gaur
Lotus Pocus by Kunel Gaur
NCERT by Kunel Gaur
Base Plate by Kunel Gaur
Lady Care by Kunel Gaur
Array One by Kunel Gaur
Aiko by Kunel Gaur
XY System by Kunel Gaur
Sora by Kunel Gaur
¥ 1500 by Kunel Gaur
Colgate by Kunel Gaur
Perfect 25 by Aniruddh Mehta (thebigfatminimalist)
Perfect 26 by Aniruddh Mehta (thebigfatminimalist)
Perfect 27 by Aniruddh Mehta (thebigfatminimalist)
Perfect 28 by Aniruddh Mehta (thebigfatminimalist)
Perfect 29 by Aniruddh Mehta (thebigfatminimalist)
Perfect 30 by Aniruddh Mehta (thebigfatminimalist)
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