The complete catalogue of all art and collectibles exhibited, or curated, by Method.
Native State, 2024 by Eeshani Mitra
Immersion Experiment, 2024 by Eeshani Mitra
জয় ময়লা (Long Live The Trash) by Revant Dasgupta
D312 by Revant Dasgupta
দেয়ালের চোখ কানা (The Walls Have No Eyes) by Revant Dasgupta
দুধ-মানুষ ঘরে এসো (Milkman Come Back) by Revant Dasgupta
ডেন্ডু রাজা (Dendrite King) by Revant Dasgupta
D Is For Dinosaur by Revant Dasgupta
ঘরের শত্রু ঘরের প্রাণ (The Strangers Outside That Give Us Life) by Revant Dasgupta
সবুজ মাঠের রাজা (The King of Green Fields) by Revant Dasgupta
Interoceptive Illuminations 6 by Hansika Mangwani
Interoceptive Illuminations 5 by Hansika Mangwani
Interoceptive Illuminations 4 by Hansika Mangwani
Interoceptive Illuminations 3 by Hansika Mangwani
Interoceptive Illuminations 2 by Hansika Mangwani
Interoceptive Illuminations 1 by Hansika Mangwani
Dainty by Shaina Nikam
Bambai by Shaina Nikam
Untitled III by Mark Mathew
Untitled II by Mark Mathew
Untitled I by Mark Mathew
Thaumatrope III by Mark Mathew
Distort LXI by Ashna Malik
Distort LX by Ashna Malik
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