Untitled II by Mark Mathew
Original artwork by Mark Mathew
Paper Size : 12.5" x 10"
Print Size: 10.2" x 7.8"
Medium : Wood engraving (Edition of 3)
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Mark completed his BVA and MVA in Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath specialising in printmaking. His work deals with the perception and experience of the material world, and the craft of printmaking is an essential aspect of his practice. Besides his artistic practice Mark spends his time collecting and repairing mechanical devices from which he draws inspiration.
His work has been part of various exhibitions including the Kochi Muziris Students' Biennale 2021, Lalit Kala Academy Karnataka 49th annual display, 2022, Surface 08, ArtBuzz Studios, New Delhi. He has been awarded the Notable artist Award, 2022, and Uncertainty 2021. In addition to this he has also conducted numerous printmaking workshops.
Mark also served as gallery manager and assistant curator at Gallery Time and Space. He has been a frequent collaborator with Pagal Canvas Backyard, a printmaking studio which experiments with the form of print in zines.