The complete catalogue of all art and collectibles exhibited, or curated, by Method.
Distort Mini X by Ashna Malik
Distort Mini IX by Ashna Malik
Distort Mini VIII by Ashna Malik
Distort Mini VII by Ashna Malik
Distort Mini VI by Ashna Malik
Distort Mini V by Ashna Malik
Distort Mini IV by Ashna Malik
Distort Mini III by Ashna Malik
Distort Mini II by Ashna Malik
Distort Mini I by Ashna Malik
Echinacea Wall Plate by Payoja Agarwal
To Show Your Success Not Your Agony by Debajit Paul
Fragments of Thoughts by Debajit Paul
The Night Show by Debajit Paul
As Fast As Possible by Debajit Paul
On My Surveillance by Debajit Paul
Pondering Thoughts (Annona) by Prachi Sahasrabudhe
Flying Seeds by Prachi Sahasrabudhe
Milkweed II by Prachi Sahasrabudhe
Annona by Prachi Sahasrabudhe
Devil in a Bush by Prachi Sahasrabudhe
Milkweed by Prachi Sahasrabudhe
System 57 by Kunel Gaur
System 56 by Kunel Gaur
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