Debajit Paul

Debajit Paul

Land has always been a profound concern for me, shaping my perception of surroundings and society from an early age. The experience of being a tenant, confined and restricted, fostered a yearning for a space where I could roam freely, unrestricted by boundaries. It led me to envision a vast expanse where my thoughts could wander without constraint, where I alone dictate the boundaries and the elements that can populate my landscape.

Relocating from Tripura to West Bengal and then to Baroda has exposed me to a diverse array of landscapes, each leaving its imprint on my paintings. Rather than fixating on a specific location, I draw inspiration from fragments of various landscapes observed over time. Through painting, I channel my longing for a space that embodies my desires, fuelling my passion to continue creating.

I imitate objects and scenes from my immediate environment, resulting in solitary visuals characterized by minimal imagery. I hardly find any story to narrate in my paintings but find a poetic gesture emerging from various aspects of life. Each painting has some connection with different observations of surrounding society. Vast empty landscapes always romanticized me and inspired me to think, to play into its vastness. This playfulness often transforms to some stanzas, some lines of unknown poems, that line became a painting, and sometimes the title for the same.

The idea is to get engaged with a space that provides opportunity to dive deep into my conscious, aim is to blur the line between reality and imagination, creating visuals to resonate deeply with viewers. The merging of these two realms allows my thoughts to manifest visually, fostering a connection that transcends the physical.

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