• Book Swap | 7th September |  Bandra - Method

Book Swap | 7th September | Bandra

Venue : Method Bandra

Date : Thursday 7th September

Time : 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Make space in your life for something new. You loved that book -- but what good is it doing sitting on your bookshelf untouched for the last how many ever years? Pass it on to someone else. In return, you'll get something new to read. 

Bring a book you like & swap it with another.

NOTE: the traditional format of this is that you will not get your book back. HOWEVER, there have been people who suggested that this is function as a "book borrow" where you actually DO get your book back. If you'd like to try that, still come - surely someone will be on the same page (no pun intended) as you. At the very least, you'll meet new people and step out of your daily routine!