Did We Decide This? by Smishdesigns
Original artwork by Smishdesigns
Size : 10.9" x 3.9" x 2"
Medium : Brass Sculpture, Painted Mouse Trap
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Smish Designs is a contemporary artist, designer and illustrator. Charged with meaning and drenched in colour, her work reveals and questions the social constructs of gender, prejudice and power. Publishing under an alias, she has emerged as a strong voice in Indian protest culture. She regularly inspires conversation and concern for human rights and social justice on her online platforms. Smish started posting resistance art after the national elections in 2019 as a reaction to the ruling government’s landslide win. From people carrying her artworks to protest sights to being featured in countless magazines, dailies and independent news platforms nationally and internationally, Smish continues to document people’s movements and recent Indian political upheavals through her work.