The complete catalogue of all art and collectibles exhibited, or curated, by Method.
Shell Asylum II by Meghna Singh Patpatia
Shell Asylum I by Meghna Singh Patpatia
Symmetry of Being by Arshi Sayed
Field Day by Arshi Sayed
No. 3 From the Tasting Menu by Arshi Sayed
Oblivious Cardinal and Her Imminent Demise by Arshi Sayed
Lucid Dream by Arshi Sayed
Birth of Matter in Yellow by Arshi Sayed
(Moon 2) Landscape by Dipesh Raj
(Moon) Landscape by Dipesh Raj
A Tree in Landscape by Dipesh Raj
Untitled 3 Landscape by Dipesh Raj
Untitled 2 Landscape by Dipesh Raj
Untitled 1 Landscape by Dipesh Raj
Desert Microbes by Vishakha Jindal
Bugs Out by Vishakha Jindal
Octopus's Garden by Vishakha Jindal
Forest Trails by Vishakha Jindal
Out Of The Blue by Vishakha Jindal
Evening Park by Vishakha Jindal
Seasons by Vishakha Jindal (Set of 2)
Pool Party II by Vishakha Jindal(set of 2)
By The Pond by Vishakha Jindal
Vanity by Vishakha Jindal
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