Four individuals & Dreams and Nightmares (Set) by Bhagyashri Dange
An original painting by Bhagyashri Dange
Size : 11.9" x 7.5" (each)
Medium : Ink on paper
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- This work ships rolled (unstretched and unframed)
Bhagyashri is a Mumbai based artist who did her BFA in drawing and painting from Sir J.J School of Art, Mumbai and then her MFA in printmaking from Kala Bhavana, Shantiniketan.
Bhagyashri’s works are microcosms of intimate human relationships, reflecting on the physical and psychological markings that come with it. She paints semi-abstract landscapes, that either are intertwined with human bodies or bear marking of human inhabitants- narrating their interactions implicitly
Her works have been part of group shows at Jehangir Art Gallery, the Engravist Printmaking Biennale, Artildgallery and kbexhibit.